Monday, November 29, 2010

Poetry reading

"My Last Duchess" by Robert Browning

Final graded essay assignment

Your final paper is a 500-word essay due Tuesday, December 7, 2010, on the following topic:

What life lessons does "The Jilting of Granny Weatherall" suggest to the reader? Use specific examples from the story to make your points. It may also be appropriate to use examples from your own life or those you know well to make your points.

You won't have an opportunity to rewrite this essay, so be sure to bring your best game.

Most critically, make sure you do your own work. You've made it this far in the semester; it would be a shame to blow it all on plagiarism this late in the game. The internet is full of temptation on this one. Resist.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Assignment for Tuesday, November 23, 2010

OK, scholars, here's your assignment for Tuesday. Please remember, this story is for you to read before coming to class. It won't do you much good (either for your quiz grade or for your understanding) if you try to read it for the first time on the screen while we discuss it Wednesday morning.

"The Jilting of Granny Weatherall"

Also, please have some idea of what the story is saying and what's really going on. "Jilting" has been around long enough that a simple Google search will give you more than enough critical writing on the story. Here's a good plan: read the story first, come up with your best interpretation, and then check your theory against some of what's been written online. Whatever you do, don't come to class with an "I have no idea" attitude.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Doing the instructor's evaluation

How to Complete an Online Instructor Evaluation

1. Go to the MSCC homepage and click on MSCC Online.

This can be accomplished by any one of the following:

a. Under Academics, there will be a drop down; on the drop down, click on Online Learning then on MSCC Online.

b. Under Quick Links click on Online Learning, then on MSCC Online.

c. Go to the bottom of the page and in the last line, click on MSCC Online.

2. Log into Motlow College Online

a. Type your regular Motlow Username and Password

b. You will be taken to the MSCC Online course page.

On this page, listed under My Motlow State Community College Courses,

will be all the courses in which you are currently enrolled, e.g.:

HIST – 2010 – F01 – United States History I

ECON – 2010 – L05 – Principles of Economics I BUS – 1210 – L01 – Introduction to Business

MATH – 1630 – M01 – Finite Mathematics

3. Click on the course in which you are to complete an evaluation.

An evaluation “pop-up page” will appear.

4. Simply click on the appropriate link to begin the evaluation

5. Complete the evaluation.

6. Click on the “submit button” when you are finished.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Research methods exam

Use this article to answer items 1-6.

Use the following articles for items 7-15.

7. 8. 9.
10. 11.
13. 14.

Make-up exam:

Monday, November 1, 2010

No class Tuesday, and revised revised calendar

Well, scholars, I regret that because of a doctor's appointment Tuesday morning in Tullahoma we'll have to cancel class again this Tuesday. I apologize for the late notice. My absence will require us to revise the schedule yet again, as follows:
  • Thursday, 11/4 -- Test over research methods & plagiarism. I'll also be available in-class to discuss your paper with you individually
  • Tuesday, 11/9 -- Research paper workship. Bring your outline, rough draft, and works-cited page with you. Students will be working in groups to help each other out with the papers. I'll also be available to help you with the paper, and we'll have sign-ups for one-on-one conferences.
  • Thursday, 11/11 -- One-on-one conferences. I'll meet with each of you for five minutes to discuss briefly the progress of your paper. If you need more time, we can meet again after class.
  • Tuesday, 11/16 -- To be determined.
  • Thursday, 11/18 -- Research papers due.
I regret that my health hassles are cutting into our class time, but we should have enough margin in our schedule to cover all the material we need to cover. I hope you'll make the most of your extra study time, and I look forward to seeing you again on Thursday.